10 Energy Efficiency Checklist Items for SMEs

published on 11 June 2024

Small businesses can significantly reduce energy costs and their environmental impact by implementing energy efficiency measures. This article provides a 10-item checklist to help SMEs achieve energy savings and sustainability goals:

  1. Energy Audit: Conduct an energy audit to identify areas for improvement and potential savings.

  2. Lighting Upgrades: Replace old, inefficient lighting with energy-efficient LED bulbs and fixtures.

  3. HVAC Optimisation: Ensure proper maintenance and settings for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems.

  4. Equipment Upgrades: Invest in energy-efficient appliances, computers, and office equipment.

  5. Building Insulation: Improve insulation in walls, ceilings, and floors to reduce energy loss.

  6. Window Treatments: Use window coverings, tinting, or energy-efficient windows to control heat gain/loss.

  7. Renewable Energy: Explore options for solar panels, wind turbines, or other renewable energy sources.

  8. Employee Engagement: Educate and encourage employees to adopt energy-saving practices.

  9. Energy Management System: Implement a system to monitor and control energy usage across the business.

  10. Regular Maintenance: Establish a routine maintenance schedule for all energy-consuming equipment.

By following this checklist, small businesses can cut energy use, lower utility bills, improve workplace comfort, and demonstrate a commitment to sustainability.

Quick Comparison of Energy Efficiency Measures

Measure Energy Savings Upfront Cost Payback Period
LED Lighting Up to 80% Moderate 1-3 years
HVAC Optimisation Up to 30% Low 1-2 years
Energy-Efficient Equipment Up to 65% High 3-5 years
Building Insulation Up to 30% Moderate 2-4 years
Renewable Energy Varies High 5-10 years

1. Get an Energy Check

Why Get an Energy Check?

Getting an energy check is a smart first step for small businesses to find areas where they're wasting energy and money. An energy check can:

  • Help you cut energy use and lower utility bills

  • Make your workplace more comfortable for employees

  • Show customers you care about being eco-friendly

  • Point out where to upgrade to energy-efficient equipment

How to Get an Energy Check

Getting an energy check is straightforward. You can hire a pro or do it yourself using a checklist. Here's how:

  1. Gather energy bills: Collect past bills and meter readings to see your energy use patterns.

  2. Walk through the building: Look at lighting, heating/cooling systems, and equipment.

  3. Note areas to improve: Make a list of places to upgrade lighting, insulation, or equipment.

  4. Prioritise upgrades: Decide which energy-saving upgrades to do first based on cost and impact.

Potential Challenges

While an energy check is helpful, there may be some hurdles:

  • Upfront costs: Hiring an auditor or making upgrades costs money upfront.

  • Disruptions: The check may briefly disrupt your business.

  • Getting buy-in: You may need to convince employees to change habits.


Here are some resources for getting an energy check:

Resource Description
Energy audit checklists Downloadable checklists from groups like Business Energy Scotland
Professional auditors Hire a certified pro to do a thorough check and give advice
Upgrade incentives Look for government rebates for energy-efficient upgrades

2. Switch to Energy-Efficient Lighting

Upgrading to energy-efficient LED lighting can significantly reduce your energy usage and costs.

Benefits of LED Lights

LED lights offer several advantages over traditional bulbs:

  • Energy Savings: LEDs use up to 80% less energy than incandescent bulbs and 50% less than CFLs.

  • Long Lifespan: LEDs can last up to 50,000 hours, compared to 1,000 hours for incandescent and 8,000 hours for CFLs.

  • Eco-Friendly: LEDs contain no toxic materials like mercury or lead.

  • Durable: LEDs are resistant to shock, vibration, and extreme temperatures.

Lighting Comparison

Lighting Type Energy Use Lifespan Environmental Impact
Incandescent Bulbs High 1,000 hours High (contains mercury)
CFL Bulbs Medium 8,000 hours Medium (contains mercury)
LED Lights Low 50,000 hours Low (eco-friendly)

Installing LEDs

When switching to LED lighting, consider these tips:

  • Choose High-Efficiency LEDs: Look for LEDs with a high lumens-per-watt rating for maximum energy savings.

  • Replace Fixtures: Upgrade existing fixtures to be LED-compatible for optimal performance.

  • Check for Rebates: Many governments and utilities offer rebates for businesses that install energy-efficient lighting.

Potential Issues and Solutions

  • Higher Upfront Cost: While LEDs cost more initially, they provide long-term energy savings and a longer lifespan.

  • Color Temperature: LEDs come in various color temperatures, so choose the right one for your needs.

  • Dimming Compatibility: Some LEDs may not work with existing dimmer switches, so check compatibility before installation.

3. Optimise Heating and Cooling Systems

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems use a lot of energy. Making them work better can save money and keep your workplace comfortable.

Why HVAC Efficiency Matters

HVAC systems account for a big part of a building's energy use. Inefficient systems lead to higher energy bills, poor air quality, and uncomfortable conditions for employees. Optimising HVAC efficiency helps reduce energy waste, lower utility costs, and create a pleasant working environment.

Improving HVAC Efficiency

To enhance HVAC efficiency, take these steps:

  • Regular Maintenance: Schedule regular inspections and maintenance with a licensed HVAC technician to ensure the system runs at its best.

  • Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Models: Replace old, inefficient HVAC systems with energy-efficient models that meet Energy Star standards.

  • Install Smart Thermostats: Smart thermostats can learn your business's temperature preferences and adjust accordingly, reducing energy waste and optimising energy use.

Benefits of Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats offer several advantages:

  • Energy Savings: Smart thermostats can reduce energy consumption by up to 23% compared to traditional thermostats.

  • Increased Comfort: Smart thermostats can learn your business's temperature preferences and adjust accordingly, ensuring a comfortable working environment.

  • Remote Access: Smart thermostats can be controlled remotely, allowing you to adjust the temperature even when you're not on-site.

HVAC Maintenance Tips

To ensure your HVAC system operates efficiently, follow these tips:

  • Change Air Filters: Replace air filters every 1-3 months to prevent dust and debris buildup, which reduces airflow.

  • Clean Condenser Coils: Clean condenser coils annually to ensure proper heat transfer and reduce energy consumption.

  • Schedule Professional Inspections: Schedule annual inspections with a licensed HVAC technician to identify potential issues before they become major problems.

4. Adopt Energy-Saving Habits

Developing simple energy-saving habits can significantly reduce overall energy usage. Encouraging employees to adopt sustainable practices is key to fostering an energy-efficient culture within your organisation.

Simple Energy-Saving Practices

Implement these straightforward yet effective practices to cut energy consumption:

  • Turn off lights and equipment when not in use: Remind employees to turn off lights, computers, printers, and other equipment when leaving a room or their workstations. This small habit can make a big impact on energy savings.

  • Use natural light: Keep windows and blinds open during daylight hours to take advantage of natural light. This reduces the need for artificial lighting and can create a more pleasant work environment.

  • Unplug idle devices: Many devices continue to consume energy even when turned off. Encourage employees to unplug chargers, coffee makers, and other appliances when not in use.

  • Adjust thermostat settings: Set thermostats to comfortable yet energy-efficient temperatures. During warmer months, raise the thermostat a few degrees, and lower it during cooler months.

Engaging Employees

Engaging employees in energy-saving practices is crucial for long-term success. Consider these strategies:

  • Appoint an energy champion: Designate an employee or team to lead energy conservation efforts. This group can raise awareness, provide training, and monitor progress.

  • Encourage suggestions: Invite employees to share ideas for reducing energy consumption. Recognise and implement feasible suggestions to foster a sense of ownership and commitment.

  • Offer incentives: Provide incentives or rewards for employees who consistently demonstrate energy-saving behaviours. This can motivate others to participate actively.

  • Share progress updates: Regularly communicate energy savings achieved through collective efforts. This reinforces the impact of individual actions and encourages continued participation.

Implementing Energy-Saving Policies

Formalising energy-saving practices into company policies and procedures can help ensure consistent implementation and accountability:

  • Develop an energy policy: Establish a policy that outlines goals, responsibilities, and guidelines for energy conservation.

  • Include in employee training: Include energy-saving practices in new employee onboarding and ongoing training programs.

  • Designate energy coordinators: Assign energy coordinators for each department or floor to monitor compliance and address any issues or concerns.

  • Conduct regular audits: Perform periodic energy audits to identify areas for improvement and ensure adherence to established policies.

Monitoring and Feedback

Monitoring energy usage and providing feedback to employees is essential for continuous improvement and sustained energy savings:

  • Install energy monitoring systems: Implement systems that track energy consumption in real-time, allowing you to identify areas of high usage and potential inefficiencies.

  • Analyse data and identify trends: Regularly analyse energy data to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities for optimisation.

  • Provide regular feedback: Share energy usage data and feedback with employees, highlighting areas for improvement and recognising positive contributions.

  • Set achievable goals: Establish realistic energy reduction goals and celebrate milestones as they are achieved, fostering a sense of accomplishment and motivation.

5. Improve Building Insulation

Proper insulation helps keep your building warm in winter and cool in summer. This reduces the energy needed for heating and cooling, lowering your utility bills.

Why Insulation Matters

Good insulation:

  • Cuts Energy Costs: Insulation can reduce heating and cooling costs by up to 30%.

  • Improves Comfort: Insulation prevents drafts and keeps temperatures consistent.

  • Reduces Carbon Footprint: Less energy use means a smaller environmental impact.

Insulation Upgrades

To improve insulation, identify areas of heat loss and gain, then:

  • Add weatherstripping around doors and windows

  • Caulk gaps and cracks in walls and floors

  • Upgrade to energy-efficient, double-paned windows

  • Insulate pipes and ductwork

  • Add insulation to uninsulated roofs or walls

Cost-Effective Tips

You don't have to spend a fortune on insulation:

  • Start with DIY projects like weatherstripping or caulking

  • Look for rebates and incentives for insulation upgrades

  • Hire a pro for an energy audit to pinpoint problem areas

Common Issues

Watch out for these insulation problems:

Issue Impact
Inadequate insulation Heat loss/gain, higher energy bills
Gaps or inconsistencies Reduced insulation effectiveness
Moisture damage Mold, mildew, poor indoor air quality
Air leaks and drafts Wasted energy, higher utility costs

6. Invest in Energy-Efficient Equipment

Upgrading to energy-efficient appliances and office equipment can significantly reduce energy usage and operating costs. Look for products with the Energy Star certification, which meet strict energy efficiency standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Lower Energy Bills

Energy-efficient appliances and equipment consume less power, leading to lower utility bills. For example:

Equipment Energy Savings
LED Lighting 50-70% less energy
Energy-Efficient Computers 30-65% less energy
Energy Star Refrigerators 20-40% less energy

Longer Lifespan

Energy-efficient models often have a longer lifespan compared to standard equipment, reducing the need for frequent replacements.

Equipment Typical Lifespan
LED Lighting 15-20 years
Energy-Efficient Computers 5-7 years
Energy Star Refrigerators 10-15 years

Cost-Effective Upgrades

While energy-efficient equipment may have a higher upfront cost, the long-term savings on energy bills can offset the initial investment. Additionally, many governments and organisations offer rebates and incentives for businesses that purchase energy-efficient appliances and equipment.

Choosing the Right Equipment

When selecting energy-efficient equipment, consider:

  • Energy Star certification

  • Estimated energy consumption and potential savings

  • Durability and maintenance requirements

  • Rebates and incentives available in your area

7. Consider Renewable Energy Sources

Using renewable energy like solar or wind power can cut costs and help the environment. Small businesses should look into these options.

Why Use Renewable Energy?

Switching to renewable energy has these benefits:

  • Lower Energy Bills: Renewable energy provides a steady supply, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and cutting costs.

  • Eco-Friendly: Renewable sources produce less greenhouse gases and pollution, helping the environment.

  • Energy Independence: Generating your own energy reduces dependence on the grid.

Renewable Options for Small Businesses

Small businesses have several renewable energy choices:

Renewable Source Description
Solar Panels Convert sunlight to electricity. Good for businesses with rooftop space or land.
Wind Turbines Generate electricity from wind. Ideal for areas with consistent wind.
Biomass Energy Use organic matter to produce heat or electricity. Suitable for industries with organic waste.
Geothermal Energy Harness Earth's heat for heating or cooling. Requires suitable geology.
Hydropower Generate electricity from flowing water. Good for businesses near water sources.

Installing and Maintaining Systems

To install renewable energy systems:

  • Assess your site to find the best option.

  • Choose an experienced installer for commercial projects.

  • Regularly maintain and inspect the system.

Financial Considerations

While the upfront cost is high, renewable energy can:

  • Lower energy bills over time, reducing expenses.

  • Qualify for government incentives, tax breaks, and grants.

  • Increase property value and allow selling excess energy.

8. Educate and Engage Employees

Getting employees involved in energy-saving efforts is key. Educate them on the importance of conservation and involve them in sustainable practices.

Why Employee Involvement Matters

Employees play a crucial role in reducing energy consumption. When they understand the benefits and know what to do, they can:

  • Identify areas for improvement

  • Suggest solutions

  • Take ownership of energy-saving habits

This boosts motivation, productivity, and job satisfaction.

Training Programs

Provide training on energy-saving practices, such as:

  • Turning off lights, computers, and equipment when not in use

  • Optimising heating and cooling systems

  • Using energy-efficient appliances and equipment

  • Making simple changes in daily routines

Building a Sustainable Workplace

To create a culture that values sustainability, consider:

Action Description
Green Team Promote initiatives and encourage participation
Recognition Reward employees who contribute to energy-saving efforts
Company Values Incorporate sustainability into your mission and values
Ongoing Training Ensure employees have the knowledge and skills to make a positive impact

Incentives for Employees

Motivate employees to participate with incentives, such as:

  • Rewards for suggesting energy-saving ideas or implementing practices

  • Recognition for consistently demonstrating energy-saving behaviors

  • Professional development and training opportunities in sustainability

  • Discounts or benefits for using public transportation, carpooling, or biking to work

9. Explore Energy Rebates and Incentives

Rebates and incentives can help lower the costs of energy-efficient upgrades. Look into available programs to maximise savings.

What are Rebates and Incentives?

Rebates and incentives are offers from government agencies, utility companies, and non-profit groups. They provide financial benefits to businesses that invest in energy-efficient equipment, lighting, and building improvements. These programs include:

  • Tax Credits: Reduce the amount of tax you owe

  • Grants: Money awarded for specific projects

  • Cash Rebates: Money back after purchasing qualifying products

Finding Programs

To find relevant programs:

  • Check with your local utility company

  • Search online for government programs like the Small Business Energy Efficiency program

  • Look into non-profit organisations like the U.S. Green Building Council

Getting the Most Benefits

To maximise rebates and incentives:

  • Review eligibility criteria and application process carefully

  • Gather all required documentation before applying

  • Work with a qualified contractor or energy efficiency expert for guidance

Success Story

Business Program Results
Small business in St. Louis, Missouri Ameren Missouri BizSavers program - Rebates for energy-efficient lighting and HVAC upgrades
- 30% reduction in energy consumption
- Thousands of dollars saved on energy bills

10. Monitor and Track Energy Usage

Keeping an eye on how much energy your business uses is key. It helps you spot areas where you're wasting energy and find ways to save.

Why Monitoring Matters

Tracking energy usage has big benefits:

  • Understand your energy use over time

  • Identify inefficient areas to improve

  • Find chances to cut energy costs

With this data, you can make smart choices to boost efficiency, go green, and more.

Tools for Monitoring

You've got options for tracking energy use, like:

  • Smart meters: Give real-time details on energy consumed

  • Energy management software: Analyses usage data

  • Energy monitoring systems: Tracks how much each device uses

These tools show you exactly where your energy goes. With that info, you can prioritise upgrades and improvements.

Setting Up Monitoring

To monitor energy usage effectively:

  1. Set your energy goals

  2. Decide what data to collect and how often

  3. Choose a monitoring tool that fits your needs

  4. Make sure it works with your current setup

  5. Schedule times to review usage data

Analysing the Data

Look at your energy data regularly to:

  • Spot trends and patterns

  • Find areas to cut energy use

  • Prioritise upgrades like better lighting or HVAC

  • Make decisions based on real numbers


Key Points

  • Adopting energy efficiency measures helps small businesses cut energy use and costs while supporting a greener future.

  • The 10 checklist items provide a roadmap for improving energy efficiency, from energy audits to renewable energy.

Take Action

Don't delay - start boosting your energy efficiency today:

  • Conduct an energy audit to identify areas for improvement.

  • Switch to energy-efficient lighting like LEDs.

  • Optimise heating and cooling systems.

  • Engage employees in energy-saving practices.

  • Explore rebates and incentives for upgrades.

  • Monitor and track energy usage to find savings opportunities.

Every step you take moves your business toward sustainability and cost savings.

More Resources

For additional guidance on energy efficiency, check out:

Resource Description
ACEEE American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
EERE U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy office

These sites offer best practices, case studies, and information on incentives to help small businesses achieve their energy efficiency goals.

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